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  • Ecological sustainability

  • Digital education

  • Inclusion & Diversity

  • Democratic values & citizenship

Founded in 2005 as a non-profit education provider, we are committed to European exchange and the development of innovative ideas, projects and educational offers for various target groups from school to adult education.

  • German language courses from A1 to B1

    Ready to learn German or improve your language skills? Enroll in our classes and embark on an exciting journey from A1 to B2 levels! Our experienced instructors provide engaging and interactive lessons, tailored to help you master the language at your own pace. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your skills, we have…

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  • Framework published

    On the path towards a green future

    How can vocational education and training (VET) and environmental sustainability come together? Our Erasmus+ GreenVET project has now published a framework document that familiarises VET stakeholders with the interface between VET and green transformation. It provides an entry point for taking a green perspective on the VET-sector. While delivering a compact summary, it also provides…

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  • An evening full of stories

    On 6 September, we experienced captivating stories, exciting workshops and inspiring conversations at our storytelling festival, organised together with the Leipzig Adult Education Centre VHS. We thank our three great storytellers: Carmela MarinelliAfter studying translation in Italy, Carmela discovered her passion for storytelling in Berlin. She is a trained theatre teacher and completed a certificate…

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  • Education for democracy

    In these challenging times, populism poses a significant threat to societal cohesion. The We-Europeans project, which ran from 2021 until the European elections in June 2024, aimed to counter this by fostering European citizenship. The recent election highlighted the urgency and relevance of this initiative. The final event of the We-Europeans project, which aimed to…

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National and EU Quality awards

Over 80% successful DTZ exams

20 years of experiences

Deutsch bei Wisamar lernen

German language and integration courses

Learn German with us from A1 to B2 to improve your chances at the labour market or for further studies and facilitate your daily life in Germany.
Learn German with us and get informed about our courses
Deutsch bei Wisamar lernen

Exciting workshops and further education

Discover with us sustainable development in education, VR in different educational contexts, workshops in civic education or other important subjects.
Benefit from our high quality training offers
Mobilität mit Wisamar

EU Mobility – Learn and exchange abroad

Gain professional experience and educate yourself further in an Erasmus+ KA1 Mobility project. Check our free consultancy or join one of our projects.
Click here to start your mobility adventures
Mobilität mit Wisamar

Innovation for lifelong learning & European cooperation

Thanks to our experience and multidiscplinary team we contribute to quality and innovations in education and cooperate in several EU funded projects.
Read more about European cooperation for innovation in education

Wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft gGmbH is an accredited mobility consultancy on site for the German National Agency for Education for Europe at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training. We offer free advice in the areas of general school education, vocational education, and adult education. Additionally, we hold Erasmus-accreditations for VET and adult education, lead mobility consortia, and coordinate Erasmus+ KA2 projects, for which we have received multiple quality awards. We look forward to cooperation – for a common European area of lifelong learning!

Erasmus-Accreditation for vocational education & training
Erasmus-Accreditation for adult education

Signatory of the German Diversity Charta

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