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Learn abroad

European Mobility

Gaining your first professional experience abroad, attending a different school, applying and developing your professional skills in a different environment, taking part in a course or exchanging ideas with colleagues – the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme offers unique opportunities for all stages of life.

Wisamar has Erasmus+ accreditations in vocational and adult education besides serving as an accredited on-site mobility counselling in the field of vocational education and training for the German National Agency. Take advantage of our free counselling services in Leipzig and online and benefit from our more than 20 years of experience.

You are also welcome to become part of our mobility consortia in vocational and adult education. We look forward to cooperations for a strong European education area.

Going abroad with Wisamar

Whether you are a VET trainer, an adult educator, a staff member in HR or education, or a learner in VET or adult education, you can benefit from the enriching experience of an Erasmus+ Mobility Project. Our programs are designed to foster professional development, enhance skills, and promote cultural exchange through immersive experiences in various European countries. By joining one of our mobility consortia in VET or adult education, you gain access to a network of like-minded professionals and learners, expanding your horizons and contributing to your personal and professional growth.


Tereza Egle, +49 (0)341 60727405,

You want to know more about Erasmus+ KA1?

Wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft gGmbH is an accredited on-site mobility counselling service for the National Agency Education for Europe at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training. We provide free counselling for mobility in vocational education but also in general school education and adult education. In addition, we offer an interesting web platform with a free online course on all phases of EU Mobility. Contact us for details.


Sabine Roehrig-Mahhou, +49 (0)341 51999555,

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