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EU Roadmap


    EU-ROADMAP – Refugees and Orientation, Assessment Desk, Methodologies, Activities and Participation

    The EU-ROADMAP project promotes the access to work and the integration in the work place of migrants, asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection. In order to reach this from June 2017 until August 2018 Guidance Desks will be opened, that will involve 80 beneficiaries in each project country in various activities, such as: workshops to foster active EU citizenship, Vocational Training courses, Start-upper workshops, Seminars on Active Job Search and a Job Shadowing experience.

    The European Agenda for Migration clearly states as Europe is for migrants, asylum seekers and people on International protection a safe haven. Member States, EU Institutions, International and Third Sector organizations, local authorities need to work together to realize a common European migration policy.

    The Commission since 2011, with the publication of the EU Agenda for Third Country Nationals proposes Integration as a dynamic, long-term process requiring efforts by a wide range of actors in different policy areas at various levels.

    The EU-ROADMAP project addresses priority to facilitate the access to work and foster integration in the work place of migrants by implementing concrete initiatives and by the exchange of experiences involving employers.

    Our main aim is developing activities and tools trough a common methodology and have a unique European approach to facilitate the access to work of migrants, asylum seekers and on International protection.


    Implementation of a Guidance Desk that will be set up in each partner country for 15 months

    Common training of the staff of the Guidance Desks to have a unique EU approach in dealing with the beneficiaries

    Skills assessment of beneficiaries to foster their job insertion even in the entrepreneurial perspective

    Use of a unique EU tool to find a job in the perspective of European Mobility of workers

    Exercise of the Active EU Citizenship of the beneficiaries

    Vocational training in the relevant working areas

    Matching and encounter with potential employers


    Funding programme: Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union Project number: HOME/2015/AMIF/AG/INTE/9102 Thematic area: Integration Project period: 2017 – 2018 Partner:

    • Cooperativa Sociale Il Cenacolo, Italy
    • Formazione CO&SO Network, Italy
    • Comune di Firenze, Italy
    • Bridges Programmes, UK
    • Jugend Am Werk Steiermark, Austria
    • ARSIS-Association for the Social Support of Youth, Greece

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