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Award for innovation

    We are honored to have been awarded, together with Volkshochschule Leipzig, 1st prize in the “Innovation Prize for Continuing Education 2023 of the Free State of Saxony”. The prize was awarded for the “StoryComp” project.

    The jury particularly praised the low-threshold and effective learning method of storytelling, which enables education for all – even for people who are skeptical about education.
    The program develops a comprehensive blended learning approach that builds on one another with the aim of systematically establishing storytelling as a method in two areas of adult education: basic education and political education. “Pure information can only be connected to a limited extent. But if you wrap it up in a story, you provide many points of connection to existing memory content,” says neurobiologist Gerald Hüther. This is where StoryComp comes in and aims to support adult education stakeholders in learning and using storytelling as a method. StoryComp was created together with the non-profit educational organization Wisamar.

    The “Innovationspreis Weiterbildung Sachsen” is awarded for exemplary innovations in general, vocational, scientific, political or cultural continuing education. Saxony is the only federal state to award such an innovation prize.

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